Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced Buying & Merchandising BME230 Module
Brand Management FRA120 Module
Brand Management & Communications MCF150 Module
Business economics BMF210 Module
Buying Concepts BME120 Module
Buying for Fashion Retail BME320 Module
Consumer & Data Insights FRA250 Module
Consumer Behaviour FRA130 Module
Creative Digital Skills MCF120 Module
Cultural and Contextual Studies FRA110 Module
Data and Analytics in a business environment FRA210 Module
Digital and Social Media Marketing MCF240 Module
Digital Visual Communication MCF230 Module
Fashion Entrepreneurship and Innovation BMF310 Module
Fashion Retail Landscape and Environment FRA230 Module
Fashion Retail Management BMF230 Module
Final Major Project FRA320 Module
Fundamentals of Buying & Merchandising BME140 Module
Internationalisation and Globalisation FRA220 Module
Introduction to Information Systems for the Fashion Retail Industry BME130 Module
Leadership & Management FAB110 Module
Leadership and Management Principals BMF110 Module
Marketing Fundamentals MCF110 Module
Marketing Fundamentals MCF140 Module
Marketing: Digital & Social Media MCF310 Module
Merchandising Concepts BME110 Module
Merchandising for Fashion Retail BME310 Module
Personal Professional Project MCF330 Module
Product Development BMF120 Module
Product Strategy & Development FAB200 Module
Professional Strategies FRA310 Module
Promotion, PR & Communications MCF210 Module
Sourcing and supply chain management BME220 Module
Study & Research Skills FRA140 Module
Supply Chain & Sustainability BME150 Module
The Fashion Business Environment FAB100 Module
The Fashion Industry FRA150 Module
Trading BME210 Module
Visual Communications MCF130 Module

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