Browse Hierarchy BAMNHP: BA Marine and Natural History Photography
Browse Course
Name Sort by name | Code Sort by code | Type Sort by type |
Biodiversity and Habitat | MNHP123 | Module |
Communicating Nature | MNHP137 | Module |
Conservation and its Representation | MNHP213 | Module |
Conservation Stories | MNHP232 | Module |
Culture and the Environment | MNHP215 | Module |
Developing Practice | MNHP121 | Module |
Dissertation | MNHP312 | Module |
Exploring Practice | MNHP135 | Module |
Exploring Practice - Underwater | MNHP219 | Module |
Extended Practice - Land | MNHP218 | Module |
Independent Filmmaking Practice | MNHP234 | Module |
Independent Practice | MNHP214 | Module |
Introduction to Filmmaking | MNHP231 | Module |
Major Project | MNHP313 | Module |
Photography of the Natural World | MNHP233 | Module |
Professional Profile | MNHP314 | Module |
Project Development | MNHP311 | Module |
Research and Critical Thinking | MNHP122 | Module |
The Marine Environment | MNHP170 | Module |
Work Experience | MNHP235 | Module |
Lists linked to BA Marine and Natural History Photography
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