Browse Course

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Breaking the Rules: Remix and Writing Back WRJ140 Module
Children and Young Adult WRJ320 Module
Collaboration WRJ270 Module
Collaborative Project WRJ310 Module
Collaborative Project WRJ264 Module
Creative Non-Fiction WRJ260 Module
Creative Writing Portfolio WRJ331 Module
Crime & Dark Fiction WRJ321 Module
Dissertation and Portfolio WRJ330 Module
Experiment and Adaptation WRJ340 Module
Exploding the Canon: Writing Then & Now WRJ110 Module
Fiction WRJ261 Module
Games WRJ230 Module
Literatures of Revolution WRJ150 Module
Magic and the Impossible WRJ262 Module
Poetry WRJ231 Module
Post-Digital Content WRJ250 Module
Publishing Cultures WRJ120 Module
Publishing Studio: Technologizing the Word WRJ160 Module
Radio and Theatre WRJ263 Module
Satire and Scandal WRJ232 Module
Screenwriting WRJ233 Module
Society and the Self WRJ210 Module
We Have Never Been Human WRJ322 Module
Writing Now: Prize Winners, Bestsellers & Controversial Content WRJ240 Module
Writing Project: Making Your Voice Heard WRJ220 Module
Writing: Craft & Contexts WRJ130 Module

Lists linked to BA Creative Writing

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